European QuakeCTF competition news
Main Editor: Ebola!!
Friday - May 5
Reports from the European QuakeCTF front
Season 2 News
[*] ClanBase CTF
Q2/Q3 Ladders/Cups matches
[*] Non Euro Competition News
CTF Observer at
CTF Observer at
Upcoming League Rounds
Savage League
Sunday May 7:
Barrysworld BWQ3L-CTF
Sunday May 14:
Start of Season 2 Q3CTF League
BarrysworldQ3League CTF Season 2 News
After a short break Season2 will be resuming on the 14th of May. This is to give all the new clans (of which there are quite a lot) time to get used to the league and gain the necessary patches, maps and other things to play.
Some notes about Season2. We will be adopting the same approach as Savage, with instead of 2 different maps being played per week it will be the same map played twice. We will also be introducing an as yet unspecified number of
custom maps. If you have any suggestions for maps to be included mail FlameTop or myself (Bif).
The divisional layout has changed slightly, with 2 division 3's now to accomodate the increase in clans without making it 5 large, vertical divisions. We feel this will allow clans to progress quicker.
You can check your proposed division out by heading over to the Divisional sections. If you have any queries, or think you should be moved, then mail
for the time being. I will finalise the divisions for Sunday, and release the full schedules on Monday the 8th. Please also send me any updates to web links, playerlists and so on.
Please note you will need to download the latest point release to be able to play in the league, you can find more info on this as well as full coverage throughout the season on our official news page,
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-----[ BWQ3L-CTF ]-----
B W Q 3 L - C T F
Season-1 Champions
Division-1: New World Order (nEo)
Division-2: Wanted Death (WD)
Division-3: Two Tribes (2T)
Division-4: Original Gangstas (OG)
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
Benelux Cup Spring 2000
Au v VS: 8-2 - (wctf2/ctf3)
WCTF2: 'Au win by 6 to 2...'
CTF3: 'Au win by 2 to 0...'
Scoreshots by Nealz at ClanBase:
[ score-shots ]
Match demos at ClanBase:
[ demos ]
RoFL v PDL: 8-7 - (wctf3/ctf2)
CTF2: 'RoFL dominated this level. Both nice defense and offense....' (7-0 RoFL)
WCTF3: 'Nice comeback and great teamwork by PDL after being crushed on ctf2...' (7-1 PDL)
Matchreport/Shots by Joo5t at ClanBase:
[ report/shots ]
[admin]Joo5t :
RoFL defeated PDL in a close match ! Nice fragging from both clans !
Dutch Ladder
LeF v qp: 16-11 - (ctf4/ctf1)
[LeF]Lemti™ :
Nice Fast game.....
1e level ctf4 F$%^%ING space (we keep on falling) we won 12 - 8
2e level ctf1 We won 4-3
We thank ]qp[ 4 da cewl, nica war
[qp]BigPapa :
It was a nice (and indeed a fast) war, had some minor problems with 'connection interrupts" sometimes, but neverteless we learnd something for the next war.......
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Non Euro CTF Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Week 2 Begins In q3ctfl...
- by Caitiri @
thursday report
The first match in week 2 of the q3ctfl played out last night between The Knights of Ni and gtX in the lower bracket. Ni took the game two maps to one, losing the first map of Bloodlust 1-0 but winning on Courtyard Conundrum 5-3 to take the match into the tiebreaker map. Amidst the connection issues for gtX, Ni was up 4-0 on the third map of The Stronghold when gtX decided to forfeit with 7 minutes remaining. More details of the match including screenshots and demos can be found at the q3ctfl page.
With that loss, gtX is now out of the tourney, while Ni moves on to round 2 of the lower bracket and will face the loser of the havoc/pure venom match. The second match of the week takes place tonight at 9PM EDT between Red Dragons and deoxyribonucleic acid.
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