Main Editor: Ebola!!
Friday February 4
Reports from the European CTF front
More battles in the ClanBase CTF Cup took place last night in both Q2 and Q3 Cups.
The OGL has a new leader... noll8 became the new #1 in the Euro-Open-CTF-Ladder without playing...
In the CL/CLL the numbers 1 and 3 battled it out on ctf1 and ctf2.
BWQ3L-CTF is holding a pre-season set of matches this weekend to check vital things before the season proper starts.
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'Winter 2000'
[Retro] v WOG: 18-5 (ctf5/lfctf1)
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'Winter 2000'
=VS= v RaGe: 14-7 (wctf2/ctf2)
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Cx v QDB: 10-0 (wctf1/wctf3)
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GrG v deZ: 10-3 (wctf2/ctf2)
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Retro versus WOG
Tech swapping by Bjorn and Sly of clan Retro...
[WOG]Nicknack just before he got fragged by Sly's amp-powered rocket...
OGL - Euro Open CTF Ladder
noll8 new #1 - Default win over BBQ
This was not the way we thought we should get possition #1 in OGL. Anyhow, BBQ didnīt manage to get their playerīs online for the second time in a row. Cause of a number of reasonīs we didnīt agree to delay the game again. [o8]EViL had done a great work during the day to set a reasonable Swedish server up @ KTH. He made it and both teams had very good ping on that server. To get the game as equal as possible o8 and BBQ had an agreement to play the map twice, 1 on o8 server and 1 on BBQ server. BBQ has now reported loss and challanged us again. This sure is 2 be continued!.
- [o8]ChoRty -
BBQ v OSS: 14-4
BBQ v OSS - BBQ Nikodemus -
We started at noll8's KTH server with ctf1. The match turned out to be pretty even, their grappling was worth 2 caps, while our quadders also brought 2 flags home. Caps 2-2, but we had more frags =)
Next to our server in Finland, and our favourite ctf2. This time we didn't get the amp at the start, but yehaT brought it home pretty soon. They managed to have the first cap, but despite our not-too-excellent gaming (and their excessive use of chaingun ;) we managed to cap 12 times against their 2. Quotation from #ossq2 topic:"oss vs chain 4-14." =)

[ CL ]
[ CLL ]
Savage League Q2CTF
Season 8
This Sunday.... Week 7, final Round !
warscenery Darclomon's Altar q2ctf2k1
[Savage League Q2CTF] |
q2ctf2k1 is a close combat map like q2ctf3 but without the quads. Unlike what a lot of savage players think you can
grapple-escape very fast here !
The map was originally designed for 5v5 matches but Savage style 6v6 should be doable.