European QuakeCTF competition news
Main Editor: Ebola!!
Monday - May 1
Reports from the European QuakeCTF front
[*] Savage Council v ClanBase Crew
[*] Savage League
SavageUK Council v All Comers
[*] ClanBase CTF
Q2/Q3 Ladders/Cups matches
[*] Non Euro Competition News
CTF Observer at
CTF Observer at
Savage Council
ClanBase Crew
- ClanBase wins 5-2 !
The Savage team lineup:
Slave, LJ, Chrono.naut, Rico, RH, Mr.Elusive
The ClanBase team lineup:
SelfBias, Godsmurf, bS, Bundy, Dizzie, Wob
Well done ClanBase crew ..
Was a close fought game .. and when we went 1-0 and then 2-1 up .. I thought we were going to get
you .. =)
heh .. watch out for the rematch .. !! .. :)
Yeah, rematch..heheh
Q2ctf, 5-5, no random quad, timers allowed, no bfg and on clanbase server? :)
Damn, we even beat you in your own game, only halfway the game we found out it was random quad :))
Match Demos:
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Savage v ClanBase

[cb]Bundy returned the flag
with1.5 seconds left...
[cb]bS captured within
the last second.
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
SavageUK Council v All Comers
by [savage]Slave
Well a great night for the SavageUK Council saw us play 8 different clans last night. And out of those 8 I wonder how many we won! :) The results:
* 19.00 v PS. Score 2-0 to SC.
* 19.30 v UKLD. Score 12-1 to SC.
* 20.00 v Hg. Score 10-1 to Hg.
* 20.30 v HsF. Score 4-3 to SC.
* 21.00 v QID. Score 4-2 to QID.
* 21.30 v CB. Score 5-2 to CB.
* 22.00 v TF. Score 7-3 to SC.
* 22.30 v SPKs. Score 10-1 to SPKs.
4 WINS and 4 LOSSES. Not bad I would say for the Savage Council. All were great matches and we would like to thank those that took part (as well as those that showed up to watch) for making it a brilliant Sunday night for all.
Also a special thank you to ClanBase who were our fellow league providers but in Holland. Thanks for a great game guys.
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Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
Savage League
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
ClanBase CTF
Benelux Cup Spring 2000
DTF v ]I[: 50-1 - (ctf1/ctf5)
Q2CTF1: 'DTF kept capping and capping, and... capping....'
Q2CTF5: 'And again... not very special things happended this map. Just a cap fest again......'
Matchreport by Voodoo at ClanBase:
[ report ]
Match demos at ClanBase:
[ demos ]
]I[DOSMaster :
Just have to add that we lagged like hell in this whole war... 5 out of 6 members who played the war had connections
with about 30-50% packetloss (4 of them, therefore we wouldn't have that much of a chance...well,
it's not Clanbase's fault, since we could have played ANY server, since the only servers where the PL does not
appear is servers, and there's no CTF server that we could have played on anyway=P
There's only one thing I have to add...losing the second time against (the same?) players with LAN pings whom you
don't even see when they rail you, is a bit unfair... But anyway, thx to [DTF]killroy for leaving the match
when he realized that we only had 4 players left - very fair!
Well, whatever, GG DTF, thx for a total 0wnage...
PDL v RiP: 6-2 - (ctf1/sumactf6)
Q2CTF1: 'draw 0-0...'
Suma6: 'PDL win by 6 to 2...'
Matchreport by Voodoo at ClanBase:
[ report ]
Match demos at ClanBase:
[ demos ]
[admin]Voodoo :
They played a bit crappy first map, but the second one was more exciting.
NO x GD 18-5 - (ctf5/lfctf1)
Q2CTF5: 'Nice defending from [NO]Brains with amp...'
LFCTF1: 'NO took a 3-0 lead, GD came back, took lead at 5-3, but NO regained control...'
Matchreport by Baal at ClanBase:
[ report ]
Match demos at ClanBase:
[ demos ]
'No v GD... KfK-Timer v Nitro2'
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Non Euro CTF Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
Competition news
- by Twitch @
I think just about every CTF team on the planet had a match of some sort tonight. We're still sorting out all the scores, but here are some of the results I've verified so far.
Online Gaming League
Peacemakers over Wicked Mojo, 16-0, for the #1 spot

Untouchables over deviate in 2, on ctf1 and ctf3 sac over TULL in 2
wfk also defeated Blacktongue in 2 straight
Crayola Clan defeated DarkSide in 2
Celestial Order forfeitted to 99 Cent Value Clan
Q3CTF League
Elite Strike over c@ck on ctf2 and ctf3
There were some other matches going on tonight I haven't gotten scores for yet, but they'll be posted along with some demos tomorrow morning....
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