Main Editor: Ebola!!
Tuesday February 1
Aloha la :) ... my little quake scene vacation is over now.
So, what is going on in European Quake CTF land today ?
'Winter 2000'
The ClanBase CTF Cup has took off for the second time. The previous cup, "Fall 99", was Quake2 CTF only but this edition, "Winter 2000", includes Quake3 CTF as well... Previous CB-Q2CTF-Cup winners Clan X called it the day so they are not around to defend their title. To bad. Last cup runner-up SS will be around however so it is up to them now to run for the
title :)
The first match in the CB-Q2CTF-Cup is scheduled to take place this evening with Au versus RaGe, two new teams wich where not around in the previous edition of the cup. They'll battle it out on ctf1 and ctf5 in Poule-B.
The first CB-Q3CTF-Cup match was played yesterday with TQA v SQA on maps ctf1 and wctf3.
TQA won with 13 to 1 captures.
Demos of this match can be found
The second match is scheduled for this evening with NuT5 v PDL on wctf3 and ctf2.
Savage League
The Q2CTF League Season-8 is close to completion with only one "round" left next sunday.
Season-8 should already have completed last Sunday but due to some server problems in week-6
the season is one week behind on the schedule.
The Q2 3tCTF league Season 4 took of last week with 2 divisions.
In division-1 title candidate SPKs stormed to a huge cap difference already with a thrashing over TF and YWN, while DS seal their win with a very hard fought match over LE and NKO.
Soon SavageUK start with a Q3CTF League. At the moment 69 clans signed up to compete in this
league and are waiting to kick-off... wich can be any day now.
Q2 Super CTF Cup
This is a new Cup and will be be held on Wednesday evenings. The duration will be about 4 weeks each season depending on the amount of competing clans.
Some snippets from the rules:
5v5, No LPB Limits, No BFG, Maps: CTF1/CTF2/CTF3/CTF5, 2x20 min games on set maps. Semifinals/Finals: each clan chooses their map and plays 1 map each...
Barrysworld Q3 Leagues CTF
The New BarrysWorld Q3 Leagues are now closed for sign ups so it's likely the BWQ3L-CTF league starts soon :)
Games are normally played on Sunday and Monday evenings.
The servers will be enforcing 'pure' connect mode... Ow and TeamDamage=ON ;)
Abusive, sexist or racist names are not permitted.
Players being abusive to an admin or player, flooding messages or any other conduct deemed to be disrupting the match by
the admin will be removed from the server.
O well... :)
CL/CLL Championship
The CLL will continue to feature a Q2CTF league, but we will however start to focus on Q3 as well. We haven't yet decided how we will introduce Q3, what types of leagues it should feature and so on. According to many I have spoken to, there isn't a playable Q3CTF mod suitable for CW:s yet, so we will probably hold off the Q3CTF scene until one has been released.
- CL/CLL Fuel -

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